[❥] News


Sunday, July 1, 2018

❥ Sorry for this being late

I hope everyone has been doing great!! Sorry for the late notice on here, been busy with my 6 yr old boy haha. Out for summer BUT school starts August 7, 2018, for the 2018-2019 school year.

He will be a 1st grader, oh how time flies by you!!!

Anyway, I got new books to add to my Nursing Books that is on my bookshelf! I will post a picture of the 2 books later. But I am getting closer to have all the books needed for the program ❣️. I can't wait to use them when I do get into the LPN program.

Again, I am sorry for this post being late, but more to come!!!

❥ Love lost my lovelies

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

❥Nursing Journey GoFundMe Raiser

❥ I have set up a gofundme raiser. Be as it small OR big donation, all will help get me closer for me to start my journey, my dream towards nursing.

If you are able to help me out, that be awesome, I thank you greatly. But if you are unable to, I do appreciate it greatly & let others know!!!

Click link below to visit my gofundme page:
